All results / Stories / Eden Brown

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Celebration of Juneteenth in Arlington

Juneteenth has always been important for African-Americans.

Jim Moore sat back at his barber chair on Lee Highway last week, the shop quiet on a midweek, midday visit, no longer the hub it was in pre-pandemic days.

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An American Patriot Wants YOU to VOTE

Local Vietnam Vet is a strong proponent of voting as a duty.

”Soupy” (John) Tyler walked into Jim Moore’s barber last July and asked him if he’d be willing to make up a sign about voting, something that would inspire people to get out and vote, and he’d be glad to cover the costs.

A Thanksgiving Like No Other, But Gratitude is on the Menu in Arlington

There won’t be a Turkey Bowl in Hall’s Hill this year, for the first time since most residents can remember.

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Alexandria Business Punched by Pandemic Pivots to Survive

Sweet Root Village running pop up markets, helping the hungry

It was the end of the summer and many in Alexandria had been homebound far too long.

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Arlington Volunteers Cure Ballots in North Carolina

Arlington activists canvassed in NC, and in Virginia’s 5th District for Cameron Webb, among others.

Sandra Garcia opened the chained door of her apartment in a low-income area of Raleigh, North Carolina.